The Other, a reflection of our desires and our conflicting realities.
As Mother’s Day draws near, I am especially delighted to add a new section to our Web site, one designed with new moms in mind.
They grow in our parks, our woods, our countrysides, our forests; still, they leave us indifferent. And did you know that some of them are not only edible, but also delicious and nutritious?
After our particularly robust winter, such reverie is perfectly normal. Have you started thinking up travel ideas? In the spirit of Mother’s Day, which is right around the corner, here are a few suggestions for mother-daughter travel experiences sure to be a win-win for both parties.
After a lengthy hibernation, they are finally leaving their den. From the depths of darkest obscurity, they now emerge to face the light of day. As spring begins, they reappear. Of course we’re talking about your feet! As they prepare to venture beyond the confines of thick woollen socks, we proffer some healthful tips for jumping into the warm season with both feet.
For unfathomable reasons, we have a passion for shoes and sandals that sometimes teeters on the brink of obsession. Naturally, our fascination with all things footwear peaks at this time of the year when the sun’s rays help set our feet free.
Here, then, is a quick look at what’s big for Spring 2015 in women’s sandals and shoes.
It was 3 years ago that the Montreal Ice Canoe Challenge allowed our lovely city to reconnect with this historic sport. Simon Lebrun, who founded the event, talks to us about the project and his hopes for the future.