The Other, a reflection of our desires and our conflicting realities.
The beautiful season is already winding down. And quite a summer it has been at Bota Bota, what with the launch of the Bota Bota gardens, the vibrant line-up of activities we had in store for you, the barbecues, our Urban Drift Thursdays, and the paddle-boarding excursions on the river. We hope we managed to meet your expectations.
Whenever the topic of art in Montreal comes up, mention is often made of the multiple genres that make up our thriving …
Smoothies have carved out a niche for themselves in the food habits of people around the world. That said, when care is taken to choose the finest and healthiest ingredients, smoothies can indeed be delicious cocktails that pack a nutritional wallop.
You can find them at Bota Bota, on Montreal balconies, and on beaches the world over. Everyone likes them. Hammocks, that is.
July 10 | August 7 | August 30 All along the river, a unique experience in 4 stages awaits you where the …
Many of us have been waiting impatiently for the start of summer, and more specifically for the start of BBQ season! How …