The Other, a reflection of our desires and our conflicting realities.
Top travellers always seem to have everything under control. How? They’ve got the right apps! Here are 10 travel apps you shouldn’t leave home without.
Solo travel is easier and more affordable than ever before and offers an experience unlike any other, whether you’re looking for a deeply restful, blissed-out vacation or an uber-social party time.
Meet the 6 canoers of Bota Bota – la Relève team. Discover 11 fun facts about each of them.
Bota Bota is proud to sponsor the Bota Bota female ice canoe team – La Relève. The team will be in Montreal february 22nd for the Bota Bota Montreal ice canoe challenge and we met with these athletes to know their impression regarding their second participation to the Coupe des glaces.
You probably heard of The Port of Montreal but how well do you know it ? Meet our neighbours!
Lolë’s words of support to the participants of the Bota Bota Montreal Ice Canoe Challenge !