Around the world, there are a multitude of rituals linked to water circuits, as varied as the communities, countries, and cultures that …
Did you know? In 2021, global Android users will spend more than 4 hours a day on their phones according to a …
Bota Bota’s flagship event for young and old is making a comeback!
A subject that is visible on all fronts: TV, radio, shops, newspapers… The start of the new school year is coming, and …
Captain Seeking Crew For many years, Bota Bota has had a strong core: a crew that has been able to sail against …
As a Quebec family-owned business for which health and wellness are a priority, Bota Bota is pleased to join the vaccination effort …
For many fans, watching a playoff game is a stressful occasion. Why not come and watch the game in a relaxing environment? …