Lomi-Lomi Nui Massage | Sensory Experience | Bota Bota, spa on a boat

Lomi-Lomi Nui Massage

  • If you are curious to discover a new massage
  • If you are comfortable with light draping
  • If you like an enveloping massage

The Lomi-Lomi Nui massage is in accordance to the «HUNA» philosophy, where everything seeks harmony. With its continuous and random maneuvers, sometimes soft and sometimes more felt, the Lomi-Lomi Nui is a sensory experience, a journey within that is in harmony with the availability, openness and love that is offered to oneself.

To use this massage as part of a package, an additional $10 will apply for a 60-minute massage and an additional $15 will apply for a 90-minute massage.

All our massages are provided by registered massage therapists and provided with an insurance receipt. Please check with your insurer beforehand if any special conditions must be met for your reimbursement request to be accepted.

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