Pirates Layover, 2022-2023 Schedule | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau


Pirates Layover, 2022-2023 Schedule

The Pirates Layover events are back this season! From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., children aged 12 to 17 years old and accompanied by an adult, will be welcomed at Bota Bota for a relaxing morning.

Program: The discovery of the water circuit and the 3 stages of hot-cold-relaxation and, depending on the day chosen

  • A yoga awakening class integrating the basic postures for a pleasant stretch.
  • An initiation to massage therapy, a first step towards a connection to the body through massage techniques.

Discover the events schedule here.

To book or to learn more, click on the date of your choice. Please note that booking is available a 1 month prior the day of the event.