Word from the captain – Spring Break and the Nuit blanche 2017 | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau

Word from the Captain

Word from the captain – Spring Break and the Nuit blanche 2017

Winter is still in full swing but, with March fast approaching, we have the perfect activities to warm you up.

Spring break is already here and it is time, for a week, to welcome aboard young sailors for whom wellness is important. I am happy to see young people enjoying our facilities and discover the benefits of water circuits, massages and yoga. We live in a hyper-connected era where everything is fast paced. Giving kids the opportunity to unwind and forget about everything technology related seems to me like a great idea!

This time of year also brings back Montréal’s annual Nuit blanche event. For the last five years, we have hosted a special event for as part of the Montréal en lumière festival. Once again this year, bathers will be able to hang out in the gardens and enjoy a live DJ performance the wee hours of the night. Our busiest night of the year is our chance to exchange our daily quiet routine for a more lively one. To celebrate Montréal’s 375th anniversary, we will be sailing back in time to Expo 67, to the year when our ship began its second life as a floating theatre. On March 4th, don’t miss the boat!

Furthermore, in this issue, we provide advice on how to create an increasingly Zen home decor, we give you some ideas for fun family activities and we explore the benefits of a more relaxed lifestyle for kids and give you some tips on how to make it happen.