Wim Hof, a method to stay cool | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau


Wim Hof, a method to stay cool

The cold never bothered Wim Hof. The one who created the eponymous method has been swimming in happiness since childhood. Except that for Wim, happiness lies icy waters.

We know the virtues of the hot, cold and relaxation course: better circulation and a strengthened immune system. Thirty seconds in a 10-degree bath is enough to activate the lymphatic system, improve circulation and release endorphins, the well-being hormones. A prolonged immersion in icy waters is reserved for the initiated.

The three pillars of the Wim hof method

Wim Hof ​​defined a method based on three pillars; breathing exercises, gradual exposure to extreme cold, and meditation. With regular training, the time spent in very cold water increases. The Dutch has been training for 40 years and collecting records. In 2013, he spent nearly two hours in a box filled with ice.

The benefits of immersion in ice cold water

According to Wim Hof, this extreme immersion has benefits on the body but also and especially on the psyche, especially regarding stress and anxiety management. It is also said to fight inflammation as well as chronic diseases like Parkinson’s. These theses have yet to be proven by science.

Wim Hof ​​above all displayed the power of the mind over the apprehension of such an exercise. Because the feat is there: to consciously influence the way the body reacts, and to condition the mind to apprehend something as hostile as ice water for several tens of minutes.

The Wim Hoff method, all the way to Montreal

The Wim Hof ​​method has already won over 200,000 followers around the world. Among them, Lysanne Richard, a high-flying diver accustomed to jumps from the top of the steepest cliffs, is about to take up the challenge in the waters of the old port of Montreal. A dive that is less dizzying than polar while the temperature of the pools on board does not exceed 3 degrees.

You will surely have already seen her at our flagship summer event “Drift and Dive”, during which she dives with two of her colleagues, from the top of the boat into the St. Lawrence river.

For those who aren’t ready to take a big leap into the cold, a short immersion in the cold baths of Bota Bota will suffice!

bain froid du 3ème pont du Bota Bota

To learn more about the Wim Hof method, visit his website.