Home activities for your little sailors | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau


Home activities for little sailors

Now is the time for small group activities. Our crew members share their tips and tricks for entertaining and educating their young sailors during this particular journey, anchored at home.

Geneviève E., Managing Director

“Yoga, to stretch it all out! Our favorites right now, Yoga avec Michelle and Going on a bear hunt.”

Natalie E., Customer Experience Director

“On Facetime, I dictate texts to my niece and my nephew every morning. I found online exercises for their age group (4th and 5th grade). So, I get to spend half an hour with each of them!”

Marise L., Purchasing and Supply Manager

“With my little ones we really like the Toupie Yoga capsules. What also really relaxes my children is knitting! And finally, cooking is also one of our favorite activities. Thanks to Ricardo and his book Mon premier livre de recettes (My first cookbook).”

Pascal R., Massage therapist

“So many activities! Drawing and creating comic books, literary creations, book club, Legos, knitting, board games and also cooking, especially pastries. There is something comforting about putting a plate of white patties in the oven!”

Armando F., Massage therapist

“I told my kids that they are not on vacation! After breakfast, we start homeschooling with the teaching aid given to us by their teachers, we practice physical education with basketball training, cycling and scooter riding. My daughter learns to cook and to paint with acrylics, my son learns different styles of dances. We end the day with an evening of movies, popcorn … I try to change the routine by incorporating board games and reading. We will soon be able to start working on our garden behind the house. We could be farmers! Why not have chickens?”

Sarah E.M., Beautician

“In order to let off some steam, the Energy Cubes and Just Dance work very well! Otherwise cooking is the activity that has been all the rage. This week we are starting an “almost perfect supper”. Each day, a child decides and makes supper for the whole family… with a little help of course! We also DIY a lot, play with Legos and plasticine. We also went camping in our living room. We took out all the mattresses in one room watched movies and played, the kids loved it! They talk about it every day. I leave them alone too, so they can be together. They are very creative and imagine a multitude of games!”

Which activity will you try first?