This month's horoscope / Scorpio | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau


This month’s horoscope / Scorpio

(October 23rd – November 21st)
Of a rather suspicious and reserved nature, this period for you is a moment of expansion. It is time for you to come out of the shadows and to make yourself heard. It’s time to jump head first into your life with confidence.

  • In love, it is a new fire that drives you, whether you are dating or single. You love yourself as you are, and it’s a new confidence that shines out of you, and it shows!
  • At work, it is time to let yourself be heard, to impose your presence and ask for what you deserve . Salary increase, recognition in your department- this month is yours!
  • Money wise, this area is particularly important to you and that is why you take every possible precaution to keep it as stable as possible and you will not regret it. Be careful however of unnecessary purchases!

This month focuses primarily on accomplishing your personal goals, and it is only the beginning! Bota Bota has exactly what you need to continue on this great path.


A blueberry soya scrub and its hydrating cream : Unite the antioxidant powers and nutritional benefits of blueberry pulp. Firming, this scrub will leave you skin looking more smooth and supple.
A queen of the sea facial : Chemical-free, paraben-free, and completely organic, this treatment will be perfect for your skin, no matter its current condition.
A gel & nail art manicure: Embellish your nails with the design of your choice, put together with your manicurist. Feel beautiful everywhere, right to your fingertips!

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Illustration: Arnaud Tartier