Immerse yourself with virtual reality
Take a moment to fully focus your attention on the present. Empty your thoughts and focus on what is most important…you. We invite you to immerse yourself in a virtual world of meditation thanks to our collaboration with Flatsitter. From Thursday 31st to Sunday, April 3rd 2016, enjoy the water circuit while diving into an intoxicating virtual universe.
On the menu:
THETA: A virtual reality meditation experience based on the principles of sensorial decadence.
VIDEO PROJECTIONS: Rich audio and video installations in the Porthole Room and in the Gardens.
Virtual Reality: 1pm to 7pm
Projections in the Porthole Room: 1pm-10pm
Projections on the waterfall in the Gardens: 7pm-10pm
At a Glance:
Who: Those who want to sample a spa experience
What: Virtual mediation
When: March, 31st to April 3rd, 2016
Where: Bota Bota, spa-sur-l’eau
**water circuit access must be purchased