4 Eco-Friendly Suggestions for Office Supplies | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau


4 Eco-Friendly Suggestions for Office Supplies

Despite the digital transformation of companies in recent years, there are still a number of products that are more difficult to eliminate since certain materials remain essential in the workplace. Although these materials inevitably end up as waste, companies can still make a conscious effort to buy responsibly-made products and help reduce their carbon footprint.

There are a few green certifications consumers can trust to make more conscious purchases, including Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC) certification. According to the official FSC website, “When a product or packaging is FSC-certified, it means that the wood or paper product or material comes from responsible sources, including well-managed forests with human well-being at heart. trees, animals and local communities. Moreover, Louise Hénault-Éthier, director of the Center Eau Terre Environnement at INRS, notes that “the FSC logo is recognized around the world as being one of the most credible certification bodies in forestry. »

Here are our suggestions for eco-friendly alternatives for common office supplies.

Natural Grass Pen

The Natural Grass Pen is truly one of a kind. Made from a blend of meadow grass and a small amount of recycled BPA-free plastic, it’s also durable and refillable.

To learn more, click here.

Multipurpose Carbon Neutral Paper

Although completely eliminating paper is obviously the most sustainable option, there are several instances, especially in the workplace, where printing on paper is still necessary. This multipurpose neutral carbon paper is an alternative to consider for your next printing paper purchases.

To learn more, click here.

EnviroCare Toilet Paper

Although toilet paper is not categorized as an office supply, it is a product used in large quantities in all workplaces. Cashmere EnviroPlus is toilet paper made from 100% recycled paper. Official partner of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, with a common mission to conserve wildlife and the environment for future generations. Made in Canada and certified by the FSC, it is made from responsible fibres, thus protecting the environment.

To learn more, click here.

Standard White Envelope

For letters that cannot be emailed, this standard white envelope is FSC certified.To learn more, click here.