The Venus | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau

Design & Fashion

The Venus

Our mother is often our first role model. As a child, we admire her, we find her beautiful and strong, we aspire to be like her. We seek her warmth, her approval, her comfort. We love the way she seems to be afraid of nothing, and even today, even if we have a hard time admitting it, she’s almost always right, she who has knitted us and has been watching us for so long.

Our mother also embodies love in its purest form. Intense and unique since the beginning, this love is constantly improves over time, enriched by the most common moments of first times that are as much ordinary as they are grandiose. Always wrapped in this love, we evolve, we make mistakes that make us grow as we continue our discovery of the world with this comforting and indispensable presence.

Later, all these shared moments are of particular importance. Their memory accompanies us in our successes as well as in our unexpected detours, and it is with great affection that we perpetuate the traditions and habits that have rocked our childhood thanks to her, our oh so essential mother.

In tribute to Sandro Botticelli