Discover the Bota Bota Log | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau

Design & Fashion

Discover the Bota Bota Log

Being the captain of the ship that is your life. To a certain extent, we all try to achieve this. While easy to evoke conceptually, it is something much harder to pull off in actuality. This is why the Bota Bota Log will likely prove a useful tool for many of us.

To be captain of one’s life, one must think like a captain.That is just plain common sense. Enter the practice of keeping a captain’s log. Whether used for jotting down your impressions and observations, organizing your thoughts, or simply letting your mind wander freely on paper, such a journal helps you take an objective look at yourself, in much the way a captain would ponder the ebb and flow of his voyage upon the seas.

The Bota Bota Log is not only a practical tool, but user-friendly too. In addition to space for putting down your words, it offers inspiring and serene musings written and compiled by our team. It also features some illustrations you can complete, colour in, or enhance—an invitation for your spirit to play.

The Log’s style fits in perfectly with Bota Bota’s peaceful vibe, a stated objective of Couple d’Idées, the design duo to whom we entrusted the project. The pair’s creations are inspired by their travels and experiences, and aim to shed a fresh perspective on everyday objects. They are known for their series of cleverly designed notebooks—the KM series and the In Margin series, among others— intended to encourage writing and sketching.

Diane Parenteau, one half of the design team, is a staunch advocate for writing, and the idea for the Log was in fact born of this passion of hers. “I firmly believe writing has major therapeutic benefits,” she says. “It is an activity that fosters introspection.” Not unlike hydrotherapy!

The creative team’s favourite adage? “A calm sea never made a good sailor. Appreciate the storms that make you grow.”
You can purchase the Bota Bota Log as of May, 1st at our reception desk. And it makes an original Mother’s Day gift card holder!

Note: Couple d’Idées launched a collection of water-resistant urban bags last Fall. Look for the line to expand with the addition this summer of bags for cycling and shopping. For full details, visit their Web site at