Thermotherapy: its benefits | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau


Thermotherapy: its benefits

Vaporous, icy, enveloping … water in all its forms sometimes caresses us, gives us chills, makes us float. Doesn’t the Latin phrase, sanitas per aquam – the spa – mean health by water? Immerse yourself in a world of well-being.

Commonly called the water circuit, the thermal course is actually an alternation of stages in wet and dry areas, each at a different temperature.


Thermotherapy begins in a warm environment, in a dry sauna or steam bath. Exposed ten to fifteen minutes to intense heat – up to 72 degrees in the dry sauna – the body and muscles relax. At such a temperature, toxins and impurities, lodged in and on the skin, are naturally eliminated by sweating. Heat-favored pain relief relieves muscle pain, while an artificially induced fever stimulates the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system.

In addition to enjoying a unique panorama of the city and the river, you will breathe the relaxing scent of balsam fir, lavender or bergamot in the Bota Bota saunas and steam baths.

With each breath, as the heart rate slows, the mind calms down, and relaxation sets in a little more …


The benefits of thermotherapy arise from the temperature shock awakened by the succession of stages of the hot, cold, relaxation circuit. By means of a cool shower, or immersion in a cold bath, the body breaks from the torpor of the first step of the circuit. Fifteen to sixty seconds are enough for this short step to get all the benefits of the water circuit.

Under the action of cold water, the heart rate quickens, and blood circulation becomes more fluid. The change from hot to cold closes the pores, which are free of impurities, and improves the elasticity of the skin. The thermal shock stimulates the production of white blood cells, relieves stiffness, and releases endorphins which will increase the feeling of well-being.

Showers and cold baths are distributed throughout the gardens and the exterior and interior decks of the boat. Bota Bota is the only spa in Quebec to have access to the cold waters of the river, thrills guaranteed.


Livened by the cold, the body produces sedative hormones. Coiled up in a fluffy bathrobe, it’s time to rest and indulge in peace. Comfortably equipped, the various rest areas at Bota Bota are the perfect place place to contemplate in calm.

Whether by the pendulum of the suspended hammocks or the finely perceptible hum of the boat, the body floats and the soul lets itself be rocked. Twenty to thirty minutes of relaxation later, maximize the benefits of thermotherapy by repeating the water circuit three to four times.

To book your water circuit access, click here.