What Is a Deep Tissue Massage? | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau


What Is a Deep Tissue Massage?

The deep tissue massage is performed without oil, using long and slow movements. It targets the deepest layers of the muscle and the connective tissue and helps relieve chronic muscle tension, loosen muscles and eliminate toxins.

How Can a Deep Tissue Massage Help Me?

What distinguishes this approach from that of a strong pressure massage, which involves a global understanding of the body, is the fact that the deep tissue massage focuses on one or two targeted areas. “The strong pressure massage will provide a strong and constant pressure throughout the massage,“ explains Arnaud Gaston, our Care and Optimization Director. “As for the deep tissue massage, there will not necessarily be a strong pressure, but simply slow maneuvers that allow the muscles to relax in order to access the deeper tissues.” This massage is most beneficial for those struggling with stiffness or back pain due to stress, physical activity or repetitive movements. Its aim is to restore mobility to the musculoskeletal system.

What Type of Person Was It Designed For?

This massage technique is recommended for those who are used to receiving massages, particularly those who like oil-free massages. It can meet the needs of people who have specific pain or tension and who want to treat a particular area of ​​their body. This massage technique is also recommended for people recovering from injuries and who have reduced mobility. However, depending on the profile, other therapeutic approaches may better suit the client’s needs. Our reservation agents can help you determine if this treatment is right for you.

Do All Massage Therapists Offer It?

Depending on the massage therapy training received, the way of working and the techniques acquired during their experience, only certain massage therapists will be able to offer it.

To book your deep tissue massage, click here.