Défi Canot à glace : Where to follow the race? | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau

TUES. DEC. 10 | The spa will exceptionally close at 5:00pm for the crew’s Christmas party 🎄

Bota Bota

Défi Canot à glace : Where to follow the race?

There are various locations where you can view the race. With live animation and race analysis, as well as numerous other activities, Quay de l’Horloge in the Old Port of Montreal is the prime spot to make the most of your day. Should you wish to follow the gps beacons from the comfort of your own home, simply go to www.deficanotaglace.com. Of course, we think the best option is to watch it with us, in the heated comfort of our floating restaurant, and, why not, enjoy a glass of wine in the process? The canoes will turn just metres away from Bota Bota, and we will carry the gps beacons onscreen.
It’s a date!