Défi Canot à glace : So what does a canoeist listen to? | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau

Bota Bota

Défi Canot à glace : So what does a canoeist listen to?

After extensive interviews with Bota Bota team members that have spanned everything from their respective roles, their impressions of the sport, their training regimen, and their favourite races on the circuit, it is high time to sit down with them to chat about their musical tastes. It went something like this…

What song, by what recording artist, do you listen to in order to…
1) get pumped up before a race?

The entire team
Play That Funky Music (Wild Cherry)
“We discovered this song during our first year of canoeing. Ever since, we can’t help but play it during one of our numerous winter road trips! It is our definitive canoe song and a genuine classic for the Bota Bota team! When we hear it, we can’t help but dance and sing! We’d like to think our canoe is the funkiest one on the circuit!”
2) calm down after a challenging race?

Vicki and Dominique, rear port and starboard sides, respectively
Intouchable et immortel (Daniel Bélanger)
“It helps you relax after you’ve given your all. It’s about cycling, but the same magic happens with ice canoeing.”

Sarah, front starboard side
Comptine d’un autre été (Yann Tiersen)
“The song is played on the piano, and it’s magnificent.”

Anne-Sophie, front port side
La comète (Les Colocs)
“A splendid poem.”

Marianne, coxswain
Follow the Sun (Xavier Rudd)
“This song helps me unwind after an intense effort. For a few minutes, I can slip into another universe and wipe the slate clean of the intense emotions that swell up during a race. And after I’ve heard it, I’m ready to take up the ice canoe adventure all over again and get ready for the next race!”

3) completely let go and switch off, in a slightly silly way (read: guilty pleasure)?

The entire team
Bootylicious (Destiny’s Child)
“To be frank, some canoeists out there must be sick and tired of seeing us get all worked up with this tune! We hum it constantly when we’re involved in a race: the day before, right before, during, right after, and the day after! It helps us unwind completely. In fact, from the opening notes, we go nuts! We’ve shared some good times thanks to this song!”

Sarah, front starboard side
Bombe latine (Diam’s)
“Amazing lyrics, and easy to sing along to—preferably at the top of your lungs.”

Anne, rower (any position)
Shake It Off (Taylor Swift)
Other members: “She sings it with gusto.”

Vicki, rear
The ditties of Dora the Explorer.
– No comment.

Marianne, coxswain
Who Let the Dogs Out? (Baha Men)
“My colleagues are game and respect my penchant for this song. In fact, we’ve made it one of our team’s rallying cries! Thanks, girls!”