A word from the captain – March 2014
As the river flows.
Spring has a very bad habit of showing up late. Even when we’re lucky enough to get a glimpse of sunshine, winter still lingers, reminding us we’re not rid of the cold days yet. To give you a feeling of springtime warmth, virtually at least, we have prepared for you a travel edition.
As a wannabe captain on Bota Bota, I spend a lot of time on the water… so you might not be surprised to learn that as soon as I have an opportunity to escape work, I take the shortest path to a body of some kind: the ocean, a crystal clear lake or a great river. I must confess that apart from being the #1 fan of ice canoe teams and taking invigorating winter walks to get to work every morning… I’m rather angry at winter!
My last few vacations have revolved around a new passion of mine : stand-up paddleboard, in all its forms (paddle surf, SUP yoga, or touring). We eat fresh and light meals, sleep early, and bring with us nothing but our sports equipment, toothbrush, and bathing suit.
And you, what would be your ideal trip? Discovering foreign and exotic cultures? Visiting all the museums your feet can manage and feeding your brain with history? Eating your way through the best restaurants, from the most famous ones to the local hole-in-the-walls? Living the life of the rich and famous on an all-inclusive cruise? Going all in at intensive bootcamp, detox, or yoga retreat?
With this travel edition, we hope to help you get a bit closer to your dream vacation, and provide you with the tools to plan your next getaway, whether if it lasts a couple of hours or a few months!
In this issue :
Tips to make the most of your solo trips;
The best travel apps to help with your stay and your preparation;
A new trend in travelling : more intimate cruises;
Discover our Om event, spring cleaning for body and soul.